Sunday 8 December 2013

VIP Part Ways With Paradise Entertainment

Boogie down Nima music group, Vision In Progress (VIP) according to reports have parted ways with their management outfit, Paradise Entertainment.

Although information about the split is sketchy, the two are said to have parted ways about a month ago.

A source Tuesday that the Artiste of the Year at the 2011 Ghana Music Awards parted ways with the outfit "on mutual grounds" after their two-year contract expired.

The group is made up of Emmanuel Ababio (Promzy), Joseph Nana Ofori (Prodigal) and Abdul Hamid Ibrahim (Lazzy).

This will not be the first time the management outfit is parting ways with one of their prized artistes.

Music trio, 4X4 made up of Sylvanus Dodji Jeoffrey (Captain Planet), Raphael Edem Avornyo (Abortion)and Prince Tamakloe (Fresh Prince), also parted ways with them under controversial circumstances in March this year after their two year contract expired.

Paradise Entertainment is currently managing hi-life artiste, Kwasi Pee and female musician, Sala.

vip VIP Part Ways With Paradise Entertainment

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Friday 6 December 2013

Shocking: Former South African President, Nelson Mandela Dies At 95

Former South African President Nelson Mandela, who served 27 years in prison for anti-apartheid activities and led his continent into a new era, has died at age 95.

South African President Jacob Zuma confirmed the news:

"He is now resting. He is now at peace," Zuma said. "Our nation has lost its greatest son. Our people have lost a father."

Born Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela in Transkei, South Africa, the civil rights activist would become the linchpin in South Africans' move to end the country's notorious apartheid regime. The impact of his efforts — to reconcile generosity with pragmatism and to find the common ground between humanity’s higher values and his own aspiration to power, as journalist John Carlin once described them — would ultimately reach well beyond South Africa’s borders, and earn him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Prior to doing so, however, Mandela earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Fort Hare, during which time he was elected onto the Student's Representative Council and suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott.

Mandela was qualified in law in 1942, an accomplishment that would ultimately help him make the kind of contribution to the freedom struggle of his people that he'd reportedly dreamed about since hearing stories of valor by his forebears during the wars of resistance in defense of their land.

That law degree allowed Mandela to practice law and in August 1952 he and Oliver Tambo established South Africa’s first black law firm, Mandela and Tambo.

But by Dec. 5, 1955, he would be on the other side of the law following a country-wide sweep by police that would put him and 155 other activists on trial for treason. The case, known as the 1956 Treason Trial, dragged on until the last 28 accused, including Mandela, were acquitted on March 29, 1961.

During the trial, on June 14, 1958, Nelson Mandela married Winnie Madikizela, a social worker. They had two daughters, Zenani and Zindziswa. The couple divorced in 1996.

Rising through the ranks of the African National Congress (ANC), initially by way of the organization’s youth wing, which he helped establish in 1944, Mandela was ultimately asked to lead the armed struggle and help form Umkhonto weSizwe ("Spear of the Nation").

On Jan. 11, 1962, using the adopted name David Motsamayi, Mandela left South Africa secretly. He traveled the continent and abroad to gain support for the armed struggle. Before returning to South Africa in July 1962, Mandela also received military training in Morocco and Ethiopia.

His training would hardly be put to use, however.

In 1964, alongside eight members of the ANC and its armed wing, Mandela stood trial for plotting to overthrow the government by way of violent acts. The following year he was sentenced to life in prison, a term he served until Feb. 11, 1990.

The would-be South African president spent 18 of his 27 prison years on Robben Island confined to a small cell with the floor for a bed and a bucket for a toilet. During his imprisonment, Mandela was forced to do hard labor in a quarry and was allowed one visitor a year for 30 minutes.

Jack Swart, who served as Mandela's chef when he was moved to a private house inside the Victor Verster prison compound in 1988, recalled encounters with Mandela on Robben Island, in an interview for PBS Frontline's "The Long Walk Of Nelson Mandela," documentary:

…We got the order that while they worked in the quarries, we had to keep time on our watches … of what their resting periods were, because they had to work. [A prisoner] was only allowed to rest or stop working if he wanted to go to the toilet and we had to keep note, and if one, for example, rested too much, then he was charged, and then Mandela was always the man who went to represent them … they always went to him when there were problems, asked him for advice … He was always the person, the central person. When they broke for lunch also, they always went to sit with him and talk to him. He was the person who sort of went to defend them when they were charged with a misdemeanor in prison.

As Swart noted, those years in prison would prove to be transformative, leading Mandela to become the most significant black leader in South Africa and the country's first black president in 1994, the first to be elected in a fully representative democratic election in South Africa.

During his presidency, from 1994 until June 1999, Mandela used the nation's enthusiasm for sports as a pivot point to promote reconciliation between whites and blacks, encouraging black South Africans to support the once-hated national rugby team.

Actor Morgan Freeman's portrayal of Mandela in the 2009 film "Invictus," based on events leading up to the 1995 Rugby World Cup, is said to offer a glimpse of the leader's legendary sense of humor, which has also been described alongside his charisma and a notable lack of bitterness over his harsh treatment.

In addition to his continued fight for the civil rights of his people — including the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), a court-like restorative justice arm of Mandela’s democratically elected government and a new constitution, which he signed into law in 1996, establishing a central government based on majority rule that would guarantee the rights of minorities — Mandela worked to protect South Africa's economy throughout his presidency. In 1994, he established the Reconstruction and Development Plan through which the South African government funded the creation of jobs, housing and basic healthcare.

After his health began to fail — he was hospitalized in February 2012 for a long-standing stomach ailment — Mandela returned to the rural community where he was born.

Mandela’s death comes months after his 95th birthday on July 18, which his foundation, various charities and businesses vowed to celebrate with a nationwide day of service that includes painting schools, handing out food and books, and running a 41-mile relay marathon in the spirit of Mandela's 67 years of activism and public work.

Nelson Mandela is survived by his wife, Graca Machel, his former wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and three daughters Pumla Makaziwe, Zenani and Zindziswa Mandela.

Zuma has ordered that all flags in the nation be flown at half staff from Friday till Mandela's funeral.

"What made Nelson Mandela great was precisely what made him human," Zuma said in his address. "We saw in him what we seek in ourselves."

*You will still be remembered Mandela* #RESTINPEACE

nelson Shocking: Former South African President, Nelson Mandela Dies At 95

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Monday 25 November 2013

BNI to Invite Barima Sidney, Video Director Over Mahama Video

Snippets of information picked up by The Informer suggests that the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) will likely, by close of this week, invite the controversial hitmaker, Barima Sydney and his Video Director, over the use of the President’s image and the Presidency in their latest video clip that is yet to be released onto the Ghanaian music market.

The video, produced by Eagle Site Production and directed by Mc Lord Ice, had pictures of the President in the flagstaff House, being questioned by Barima Sydney on the controversial Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) report, the criminal sale of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation’s (GNPC’s) Drill ship, Discoverer 511 by the administration of ex-President, John Agyekum Kufuor, as well as the recent sale of Merchant Bank to Fortiz, a deal many have questioned.

The President was seen in the video rapping and telling Ghanaians to keep faith with his administration; to him, when driving a car, one had to gradually change gears before arriving at his or her final destination and so on course, and will deliver his promise of “Better Ghana”.

The video is the latest song of the hitmaker Barima Sydney, who is known for his controversial political songs over the years.

The “Apuskeleke” and African Money hitmaker, together with his Video Director, are likely to be hauled before the Greater Accra regional BNI to answer charges on the illicit use of the President’s image and the Flagstaff House, the seat of government, for commercial gains without prior permission.

Information suggests that the BNI officials are not enthused about the use of the President’s image for commercial gains, as well as the mockery of the Presidency.

A copy of the video intercepted by this paper at a production house in Osu, a suburb of Accra, had the hitmaker in his latest hit song dubbed “Donkomi”, seeing the President majestically dressed in splendid “Fugu” with Barima Sydney, sitting beside him at the Flagstaff House, asking him probing questions about what people are saying on the streets of Accra concerning the allegations of corruption under his watch.

The video saw the President answering the questions posed by the controversial musician on the state of the economy and asking for more time as he is certain things will get well soon.

The music took on the Mahama-Amissah-Authur-led administration for virtually increasing almost everything from condoms to electricity bills, water bills whilst salaries are still low.

“Mr. President wu bo Ghana Donkomi; ‘to wit, ‘President John Dramani Mahama, you are putting Ghana up for sale’.

The opening of the song says “If you no fit the kitchen heat get out, so they tell us …Our politicians. Agoo! I dey knock ooo, beg oo, open small..Ebe me u no dey kai me Barima Sydney.. Everywhere you pass Mahama aa… our priorities now is to create loot and share”.

The yet-to-be-released hit song had Barima Sydney introducing himself as the voice of the voiceless.

He is heard in the video saying, "if you are a corrupt Member of Parliament (MP), a corrupt teacher. A corrupt presenter ‘me bo wu donkomi'".

All attempts including several calls placed to the cellular phone of Barima Sydney as of press time yesterday proved futile.

barima sidney 640x426 BNI to Invite Barima Sidney, Video Director Over Mahama Video

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Shatta Wale is Not Owner of Shatta Movement – Group

Below is a statement sent to us by a group of persons claiming to be the original owners and founders of the group Shatta Movement, which has for some time now been linked to dancehall act Shatta Wale.

We publish portions of their statement, unedited.

“We own and registered SHATTA MOVEMENT FAMILY for a simple course that is to help promote ghetto youth doing well in a chosen field. The main focus of the group is bigger than music; it is a lifestyle company that wants to supports young people in ghettos from the streets selling small chops to the doctors, nurses, boxers, footballers and creative arts.

SMF have the mindset of doing business with corporate bodies and building ghetto youth’s image that hustling that does not mean you dirty or not smart but it means if you can make something out of nothing, then, you are the one corporate Ghana should use to market its brand.

Shatta movement is not ‘dirty’, violence or noisy but as a movement and a family, one person cannot claim ownership, the very moment you do that you are selling out the people whose idea and efforts went into the brand. Also if one person claims ownership, how will the rest of the ghetto youth in the movement get help and come out successful in their chosen fields.

The movement was started by Sly Shatta (based in America) then his company was Sly – Ent which was a studio based in Darkuman Nyametse. Sly could not do it all hence he met Cyfa & Juwaid who shared in his vision of love, trust and loyalty for each other as Ghetto boys.

The three agreed to form the Shatta Movement with others such as Abarture (based in Germany) and Abas based in South Africa.

Then the agenda was set straight with the movement formed to propagate the good deeds of young people in society.

‘We brought Bandana into the movement in 2010, that time his fame had died out but I convinced family to support me so we bring his fame back, Juwaid noted.

‘My brothers (Cyfa & Juwaid) brought Bandana to me when I was at x95.1fm. That time I saw his promo CD and it had ‘Chockstillsquad’ written on it. So I asked him where he belongs and he said openly that he was with that squad but now he is with the ‘Shatta Movement family’.

‘The story between us (Shatta Movement family) and Bandana is a long one but what we want Ghanaians to know is that, Shatta movement is a family of boys from Nima, Newtown, Mamobi, etc of ghettos hence one person cannot claim ownership and to even go to the extent of dirtying it like how he (Bandana) has.

We want him to stop claiming ownership of the name and brand ‘Shatta Movement’ in order to allow the other ghetto youth in football, boxing, nursing and music to stand for it because it was built on trust love and loyalty not violence.

We are sending this warning. Enough is enough Bandana. You are building a following that does not support any ghetto youth in any way. Allow us to bring our ghetto youth with talent out.

Bandana has succeeded in throwing dust into the eyes of Ghanaians as the owner of the brand name ‘Shatta Movement while he does not understand the meaning.”

 Shatta Wale is Not Owner of Shatta Movement Group

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Saturday 23 November 2013

Ace Producer, Hammer Urges Samini and Shatta Wale to end Lyrical Battle

Headed by expert music maker, Edward Nana Poku Osei a.k.a Hammer, National Director of Hiplife at Musiga, the Musicians Union of Ghana has launched an arrangement of occasions beginning Monday to address and potentially stop the progressing distress in the local dancehall front. Vigorously upheld by Reggie Rockstone, the procedure starts with a closed-door meeting with Shatta Wale and Samini on Monday, November 25 at Rockstone's Office.

According to Hammer, the goal of the talks is to find shared opinion to motivate a truce that will finally stop all existing quarrels in the music scene.

The panel formed to solve this issue is made up of Daddy Bosco (Administrator at Musiga), Black Prophet, Panji Anoff, Kwame Sefa Kayi, Reggie Rockstone and Rita Marley, widow of Bob Marley, the most amazing reggae artiste ever.

The second gathering will have management of both High Grade Family (Samini) and the Shatta Movement (Shatta Wale) agree on conditions that will adaptably oblige the truce.

The third sitting, in a manifestation of Media Briefing, "will have the two giants, conceivably, shake hands and embrace to send the signal to their fans and in addition the streets to calm their nerves", Hammer Said.

Meanwhile, the committee has decided that neither of the two parties will grant interviews about progress of the meeting, until its objectives are achieved.

In a related development, the President of Musiga, Bice Osei Kuffour has urged enthusiasts of both Shatta Wale and Samini to be calm ahead of the November 23rd Guinness Big Eruption Concert.

"As responsible musical artists, we should not permit individuals to take advantage of this situation. What we know how to do best is to amuse our fans", he included. "Both Samini and Shatta Wale have directly guaranteed me they will continue doing their main event best on stage and nothing else" Obour told Entertainment Newspaper Ghana.

Finally, Obour utilized the chance to "urge coordinators of the Concert to guarantee sufficient security'

obour musiga 300x168 Ace Producer, Hammer Urges Samini and Shatta Wale to end Lyrical Battle

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Friday 22 November 2013

Samini Should Behave As an Adult – Shatta Wale

Ghanaian dancehall artist Shatta Wale formerly known as Bandana has described High Grade Family artist Samini as a grown up and must behave as such.

Breaking the silence on the unending feud that seems to get most entertainment pundits worried on E Talk, an entertainment TV Show hosted by Amanda Jissih, Shatta Wale disclosed he has always respected Samini and even gave a hearty apology live on stage during the BASS Awards just to make peace with the said artist only to be hit with another diss song.

Asked why he would not turn a deaf ear to some of the issues and diss songs targeted at him and would reply such comments with songs within a short while, he answered saying;

I reply such songs with the same swiftness as a lion would when its tail is stepped upon. I am a straight forward person and I speak my mind just as others do.

Speaking of possible ways of solving the feud, Shatta Wale disclosed he finds it disturbing for the industry and only wished Samini would behave maturely, in such ways the feud would be solved.

When you have a musician who doesn’t want you to eat and will tell event organizers not to put you on the same show, that is bad. If you don’t want me to eat, then I will make sure you also don’t eat!!

Meanwhile, attempts are being made by the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) to resolve the feud between the two biggest dancehall artists in Ghana at the moment.

shatta wale and samini 300x165 Samini Should Behave As an Adult Shatta Wale

Culled from NYDJ Live

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Thursday 14 November 2013

Okyeame Quophi is Back in Business

After staying away from his musical career for God knows how long, Okyeame Quophi, now known as Quophi Okyeame has dropped three new singles this month to announce his return to the music industry.

And guess what? He isn’t rapping like he is known for but singing evergreen highlife like never before. The singles are ‘Keep On Moving’, ‘Odo Nsuo’ and ‘Gye Fa’ which have begun enjoying appreciable airplay.

Showbiz caught up with him last Friday and he let us into what he has been up to, “I have been working hard at Rainbow Radio 87.5FM as the Programmes Manager and late afternoon show host Away Bus from 4pm-7pm.

I have also been running my Emklan Media Company, still directing music videos, TV commercials, recording voice over and making music for other people and myself,” he said in his usual bubbly self.

Quophi is also the presenter of Soundsplash on TV Africa, “I do all these in addition to being a father of three and a husband. So you see, I have been very busy,” he added.

So why did he decide to come back to music after all this while? Quophi said his fans were always on his case to come back, “I have always said that music is a spirit that never leaves. Dreams and aspirations get in the way sometimes but the love of it never dies. I got a wake-up call from Samuel Atta Mensah of Citi FM and that gave me more reason to put my composition, production and singing skills back into commercial practice.”

And when he decided to go back to music, Quophi settled for his first love, highlife, “I’m going back to my first love, highlife. I have intentions of exploring other African genres.”

He hinted that he started off by listening to and imitating the likes of C.K.Mann, Amandzeba, Felix Owusu, Nana Ampadu, Gyedu Blay Ambolley and others. According to him, Akyeame started as a singing duo but later gave in to the rap craze; Mesan Aba, Menko Meda, Obaapa and Kolo all attest to that.”

Does Quophi have a problem with the kind of music being churned out lately? “No, I think what is happening is really great. It’s really great doing today’s music but it’s a matter of feeling. What I feel and think is mostly represented in what I am expressing.

“I am actually managing a lot of artistes including Egya Kay, Ntim, Sante, Honny (Mentor) and others who are into this modern or popular music if you like. I want to do something which will stand the test of time.”

Asked why he changed his name from Okyeame Quophi to Quophi Okyeame, he said the idea of name change has lingered in his mind for a while especially concerning where his music career was heading. “Everyone knows Okyeame Quophi the rapper of Akyeame fame, now it’s time to feel the inverted Quophi.”

He expressed his deepest gratitude to God, his family, the entire Emklan Production and management team, Kweku Duah (Kindee), Prince Nana Poku, Ackah Blay, Dan Grahl, Zapp Mallet, Appietus, Mr Osei (trumpeter), Akuffo(percussion), Naa Shika, Lamissi and DJ Candy Man.

“I also want to say a big ‘thank you’ to my never broken fans and the world for containing me”, he added.

quophi 300x200 Okyeame Quophi is Back in Business

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